How seriously do we take Climate Change?
Climate change remains the most popular environmental problem today. There's no doubt, it has been one of the most mediated environmental issues.
But it is surprising how much people know about climate change but yet don't do anything to help eradicate it.
There are still alarming rates of cutting down trees while very few are being planted. The production of greenhouse gases is still on the rise by expanding industries. Old cars and electronics are still being put to use by giving them new life in African countries.
We still ignore the changes in climate that we experience daily, hoping for the best harvest at the end of the year.
Why don't we all feel involved at all? Why do we think we can't do anything to help reverse climate change as individuals?
Stop buying old cars, plant a tree, support a climate change campaign, sign a petition, donate, consume reusable material, recycle, use solar energy, and volunteer.
We can all take action to save the planet from the effects of climate change no matter who or where we are. Remember, little drops make an ocean. Take action today.
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