Who is an environmental activist? Should everyone be an activist?

January 24, 2023

Who is an environmental activist? 

An environmental activist is someone or a group of persons who take action online or offline for the protection of the environment. An activist could specialize in one aspect of the environment or fight for a specific community. The activist could choose a specific channel to communicate or take action - either online or offline. Online they could decide to use one or a few platforms according to the audience they are trying to reach. Activists could either be front office or back office - meaning they could either be at the forefront protesting, sensitizing or at the back where they make it favourable for protests and other activist activities to take place smoothly - logistics, technology, human resource, editing, etc.

Should everyone be an activist?

Yes! The environment needs every one of us to do something at our different levels to save it. The earth needs more activists.

Who is an environmental activist? Should everyone be an activist?

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